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My Big Move Webquest Rubric

Students are to utilize the "My Big Move" webquest (pretend their family is moving to Kenya) and create a PowerPoint presentation to help their family and friends know more about Kenya and what they will be experiencing there.
Through this activity, students will become familiar with Kenya's location, animals, people, music, news, and social issues.  They will then create a presentation to illustrate their learning from perspectives of different family members.

Objectives Low Performance At or Below Average At or Above Average Exemplary Performance Earned
Met the minimum requirements for presentation (adequate number of slides to answer all required areas, slides average 15 words or less, PPT features, 4 media, and included hyperlinks) 5-19 points
Didn't have near enough slides; Didn't use a variety of PPT features; Didn't have at least 4 pictures or other visual media (not clipart); Very wordy; No hyperlinks
20-24 points
Had nearly adequate number of slides, some PPT features, and some pictures or other visuals (not clipart), some slides are still very wordy, some hyperlinks
25-29 points
Had adequate number of slides, used a variety of PPT features, and had 4 pictures or other high level visuals; kept words to minimum; several hyperlinks
30 points
Had adequate number of quality slides, used a wide but not overdone variety of PPT features, 6 or more quality visuals or streaming media or voice overs, excellent use of hyperlinks
Thorough knowledge of target questions on Kenya from specific family member perspectives. 20-34 points
Didn't know much beyond what was on the slide. Not able to answer any reasonable questions about Kenya. No particular family role.
35-44 points
Was able to elaborate some on Kenya and answer some reasonable questions.  At least 1 family member role was present.
45-54 points
Was able to elaborate on Kenya and extend way beyond what was on their slides, included more than 1 family member perspective, and able to answer most reasonable questions
55 points
Majority of the presentation was elaboration on Kenya from different family member perspectives, and student was able to answer questions and elaborate further than expected.
Text is well written and information is well organized. 0-2 points
Information makes no sense together and many words are misspelled
4-5 points
Information makes sense together, but there is a misspelled word occasionally
6 points
Information is well organized and no more than 2 misspelled words.
7 points
Information is very well organized and there are no misspelled words.
Added quality material that wasn't required 0 points
Did not add quality material that wasn't required.
1-2 points
Made an attempt to add quality material that wasn't required.
3 points
Clearly added quality material that wasn't required.

4 points
Exemplary quality material added and all expectations exceeded.

Cited or hyperlinked works 0 points
Did not site or hyperlink works
1-2 points
Cited or hyperlinked some works, but not others
3 points
Cited or hyperlinked most works.
4 points
Cited or hyperlinked all works.